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Stockport M&J Volunteers Handbook 1 of 19

1. Checklist

Coaches Welcome Pack
1. Values & Principles (as a club, as a coach, what we expect of players, what we expect of parents)
2. Useful contacts (refer to Coaches Directory)
3. Useful websites for general information
Coaching Information
1. Qualification checklist & how to get training/qualification
a. CRB
b. First Aid
c. Coaching (Rugby Ready, Level 1, Scrum Factory etc.)
2. Kit and training equipment
a. Gumshield advice
b. Protective equipment
c. Match days
d. Training equipment
3. Coaching support information
a. Session Plans
b. DVDs
c. Useful websites
4. Recruitment
a. Schools analysis & contact details
b. Flyers
c. RFU Liaison
d. Ideas (Bring a Friend, Summer Try Out)
e. Local PR
5. Use of the club facilities
a. During season
b. Close Season
c. Off Season
1. Website
a. What is available?
b. How to guides?
c. Encouraging website use
2. Player database
a. Recording player
3. Parent contact details
4. Subscriptions
5. RFU Registrations
6. Engaging Parents & Social Membership

1. Club liaison
2. Week before
3. On the day
4. Home Team responsibilities
5. Festivals
6. Tour Planning
Club events
1. Christmas Party
a. Planning & tracking numbers
b. Useful contacts
c. On the day
d. Fund raising
2. Stockport Festival
1. Ideas
a. Cake/Sweet stall
b. Table top/Car boot sale
c. Second hand kit swap shop/stall
d. BBQ
e. Raffles/Tombolas
2. Sponsorship
a. Wider club
b. M&J Section
c. Team
d. Match shirts
e. Tour shirts
f. Coaches kit
g. Rugby Balls
h. Training bibs/shirts/cones
i. Events (Christmas Party/Festival)
- Useful forms
o Subscription Form
o RFU Form
o Match Scorecards
o Festival Registration Form
- Club policies
o Child welfare
o Etc.