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Stockport M&J Volunteers Handbook 8 of 19

8. Safeguarding

The club has a very experienced CSO, Haidee, Langtree, with 27 years experience within the childcare sector and 6yrs in post at the club.

Haidee can be contacted on
07703 165 723 or

All our volunteers are vetted, which not only means carrying out DBS checks with the RFU, but also enforcing good practice throughout the club. All are requested to keep updated with Safeguarding matters by attending “Play it Safe” training through the RFU, in which you can also access the free online programme “Head case” increasing awareness and provide information on concussion

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Links to the RFU Safeguarding guideline follow below but here are list of some of the main Safeguarding areas that should have specific focus:

No adults playing rugby with children – please see additional “age grade rugby” information on 17yrs olds playing in adult rugby (Link)
No adults holding a tackle pad for a child to run at
No photos or filming to be taken without everyone’s consent, including your opponents, especially if you plan to share on line/ social media.
Parents are to accompany children at rugby, games and training; it’s not a drop and go, if there was an accident requiring medical treatment, who will escort the child? This unfortunately isn’t the role of coaches or first aiders.
No adults other than vetted coaches/ physio’s are to enter the changing rooms; this also applies to ALL adults not using the toilet facilities in there. And strictly NO ADULTS TO ENTER THE SHOWER AREA AT ALL TIMES!
All concussions, injuries requiring further medical treatment and RED cards MUST be shared with the CSO.

Touchline Behaviour

Touchline behaviour is one of the areas of increasing concern for our game is the rising incidences of inappropriate touchline behaviour. This can impact negatively on the quality of experience enjoyed by young players, their families, referees and other spectators. Some example good practice for parents to adhere to:

No raised voices on the sidelines; this applies to airing your views to coaches, other spectators or players.
Under no circumstances do you disrespect the referee or enter the pitch; the referee and other officials have full control of the game. If breached this can lead to the game being stopped and further actions.

Stockport has a full Safeguarding Policy is displayed plus a “Play it Safe” booklet on the notice board in the club house. The policy is also accessed on the club website, along with other documents.

RFU Safeguarding Information

Children are the lifeblood of the game and it is crucial that they are cared for in the correct manner. Any player under the age of 18 is classed as a child and should be respected as such.
The RFU Safeguarding Children Policy (PDF 372kB) sets out the key principles as well as providing best practice guidance. Everyone shares the responsibility for safeguarding and, therefore, this policy and guidance will be both relevant and useful for all those involved in creating safe environments in rugby union whether as a parent, coach, spectator or club official.
In order to provide children with the best possible experiences and opportunities in rugby union, it is imperative that everyone operates within an accepted ethical framework and demonstrates exemplary behaviour. This not only ensures the game makes a positive contribution to the development of children, safeguards them and promotes their welfare but also protects all personnel from allegations of abuse or poor practice.
Allegations of abuse or poor practice must be reported to the RFU. It is important when reporting an incident that the RFU are informed as soon as possible in order to effectively manage any case or concern.
To promote and maintain good safeguarding practices, the RFU created and regularly delivers safeguarding courses. These courses are held throughout the country and are designed for all individuals within a rugby environment.
Delegates who wish to book on to a course must do so, along with paying any course fee, in advance by using our online course booking system.
The RFU utilises the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) to operate and manage a criminal record checking process for those working with children or vulnerable adults. A conviction or caution does not necessarily impede an individual’s future in the game; each situation is considered in relation to the individual circumstances.
On all occasions the RFU consider the welfare of the child paramount.
Every club that runs mini/midi/youth rugby must have a Club Safeguarding Officer. The RFU have produced this editable poster to be displayed in clubs.
If you have a complaint in relation to a safeguarding process undertaken by the RFU, the RFU’s Safeguarding complaints procedure can be found here.

Online Course Booking
The RFU online course booking system allows you to search by course type, region, postcode or date before booking and paying for your course.