Other Club activities
Throughout the year the club hosts a number of events, both from the M&J section and the events committee -
Age groups host BBQ’s on Sunday mornings through September in place of upstairs catering as a means of raising funds for the whole section. (See Guidance)
At the end of Sept/beginning of Oct, Stockport hosts its own M&J rugby festival organised by the current U12’s (See Guidance 4)
The first Saturday of November we host Bramhall Firework Festival, a great evening for all. This is organised by Gemma Schofield and is one of our biggest club fundraisers, for which we welcome your help and attendance
The current U9’s section organises the children’s Christmas Party – normally the Fri evening before Christmas. (See Guidance 5)
We host the U15 Cheshire Cup Finals day at the beginning of May, organised by our current U15’s (See Guidance 6)
Our Club Ball which is our large fundraiser and organised by Gemma Schofield, can be around Christmas (Nov) or end of season (April).
All of these are ways the club raises funds for extensive works and projects on the club, some to mention from previous years –
full refurbishment of the bar,
full re-wire of the building,
replacing all the windows (upstairs and down),
floodlights and drainage for pitches,
full refurbishment of the changing room shower block
re-seeding pitches annually
None of which are small projects and none would happen without your support to these events so we welcome you to volunteer to assist with the events or be there in attendance.
Other events are – AGM’s, monthly committee meetings, your own age groups doing socials and fundraising and end of season awards, around 2nd Saturday in May
Other information –
M&J committee meetings – these are held the first Thursday each month at 8.00pm (ish) in the clubhouse. Coaches from each age group are encouraged to attend (at least one) as these are a great way of sharing information, knowing what’s happening within the club and to discuss any matters arising. The Chairman sends out a monthly email with details.
Kit room – this is located next to referee’s room and each age group has a shelf/area which they can store items. It is advisable to label your items and shelf. All are responsible to keep this area tidy and organised! Access is via coded padlock – 7213
Game days - The Chairman will have organised the pitch allocation for the day’s fixtures, this will be emailed and printed for display on the board on the patio. This will also include changing room allocation for the older age groups. It is your age groups responsibility to organise and layout flags or cones. Respect barriers are to be positioned within any pitches used for multiple games, and on pitch three where there is no perimeter fencing.
Car parking - as we are a successful section, we also have a number of age groups/fixtures at home, therefore good numbers of vehicles to park! Each age group takes it in turn to manage this. The chairman rotates this and advises whose age group is responsible for this each week. There is a guidance pack on this (see guidance 7) Hi-Viz bibs are to be worn by all which are located in the top drawer just inside the Kit room, please return once finished with.
During the wet winter months, some age groups train off site at 3G/astro sites which you can discuss with the chairman.
Containers / equipment – the green container at the end of the 1st team pitch houses tackle pads and other training equipment. Liaising with other age groups on use of these is advisable. The container is to be kept organised and tidy at all times.
Attending other festivals - throughout the season you may be invited/show your interest in other festivals. Please see the pack to assist you in your plans; one suggestion with larger squads is to look at your season of festivals, and select smaller groups for each, rather taking 30+ children to all!
Please remember children you wish to enter MUST be RFU registered.
(see guidance 8)
Organising your fundraisers – these are great ways of raising funds for your own age group; for items you may require for other kit – waterproof tops, items for festivals/tours – flags, gazebo, tour polo tops, trip out to Sale Sharks or Twickenham - towards coach hire. Traditionally these are held at the club with a reduced room hire rate of £50 (normally £150) and catering offered at a very reasonable, reduced rate. They can be race nights, bingo, Friday night flood light games and themed disco’s.
End of season awards – held around 2nd Saturday in May, mainly the mini section but others welcome too. The day is coordinated by the current U10’s ( see guidance 9). Rota of pitch space for summer games (rounder’s etc) is planned, plus any plans for upstairs. Trophies are ordered via the club for specific awards, these are great to link and imbed the TREDS, and coaches discuss who these will be honored to. It’s a great day for all. A BBQ is organised, the ice cream van visits and there’s a real buzz around the club. It is advisable that this is when children return their match top.
Some Junior age groups tend to organise theirs on another day, hosting individual one. Please liaise with the club steward as many outside bookings are taken.
At the top of the back concrete stairs, the club has a residential flat. The current resident has an affiliation with the club; many years back a M&J coach and now investing his time into assisting with the senior game match programe. We ask for all to respect that this is someone’s private property and to keep noise level around this area to a minimum.
Car Park Plan
Ground Layout
Cheshire Cup
Christmas Party
Should some of this been team admin?
Link to documents